LiveThets is a decentralized platform that rewards users for contributing their data and internet bandwidth to power AI, while enabling them to earn tokens through a secure, community-driven marketplace.
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Project Description
Q2 2024: Initial Planning and Setup
In this quarter, we will focus on the initial planning and setup of the project. This includes gathering requirements, setting up the development environment, and defining the project roadmap. Project Definition and Goals Technical Infrastructure and Requirements Team Formation Beta Version Preparation Marketing Strategy Development
Q3 2024: Development Phase 1
During this phase, the core features of the project will be developed. We will start with the most critical components and gradually build out the functionality. Beta Version Release User Feedback Collection Performance Improvements Airdrop Campaign Launch Bandwidth Measurement and Analysis
Q4 2024: Beta Testing and Feedback
This quarter will be dedicated to beta testing. We will invite users to test the application, gather feedback, and make necessary improvements based on their input. Pre-Sale Planning Early Participation Campaign Data Collection Infrastructure Setup AI Training with Collected Data Community Building
Q1 2025: Final Release and Launch
The final quarter will focus on polishing the application, fixing any remaining bugs, and preparing for the official launch. Full Version Release Launch Events and Promotions User Training and Education Data Sales for AI Training Strategic Partnerships
Q2 2025: Post-Launch Improvements
Post-launch, we will focus on user feedback and continuous improvement to enhance the user experience. Gather User Feedback Implement New Features Optimize Performance Expand Marketing Efforts Enhance Security Measures
Q3 2025 and Beyond: Future Plans
Future Plans
Looking forward, we will continue to innovate and expand our offerings to meet the evolving needs of our users and the market. Develop Innovative Solutions Expand to Global Markets Conduct Community Events Establish Long-Term Goals Maintain Continuous Improvement